Dr. Jordan Bass: How the betting industry will become important to the governance of sports in the US

Due to the exponential growth US Gaming Sector Dr. Jordan Bass stated that he "wouldn't be surprised if 45 of the 50 states legalized sports games in the next five years."

In a recent webinar published as part of the MSc in Sports Management program at the University of Kansas, Dr. Bass discussed the impact of managed sports betting on sports management in the US.

Pointing to important developments such as the growing number of partnerships between sports betting operators and professional teams - with a multi-year agreement between National hockey league (NHL) and FanDuel, highlighted as a key example — Bass noted that the gambling sector and mainstream sports will become increasingly intertwined.

This will have a significant impact on the careers and day-to-day activities of sports organizers, Bass said. Legalization will present both positive opportunities, such as new revenue streams, and new challenges.

He stated: “The most important thing for us as managers is to understand how we are going to do it; one, get income from it?; And second, how are we going to regulate? »

Buss argued that one of the main implications for future sports managers is the growing challenge of protecting the integrity of the sport.

Knowledge of protective procedures, as well as understanding the terminology of sports betting and gambling in general, is likely to become a vital skill for future generations of sports managers and administrators, the scientist noted.

He added that "understanding the thorny points and challenges that a sports manager has to try and make sure the product on the field maintains its integrity" will be an essential skill for future sports business professionals.

Source: KU School of Education and Human Sciences.

The post Dr. Jordan Bass: How the betting industry will become important to US sports management first appeared on GamblingTV.com.