Playtech and Kindbridge team up for a gambling harm research project

Vendor giant Playtech has teamed up with virtual mental health clinic Kindbridge to develop a new research partnership to combat the harms of gambling.

The combination will lead to the creation of an evidence-based model for the treatment of addiction to gambling in a “telehealth” setting.

The couple approached the Center for Gambling Research at Rutgers University in New Jersey to lead a study that will be used to measure the effectiveness of online support and treatment of gambling-related harm.

The research will focus on the mental health of gamblers, gamers and those suffering from digital addiction, and how best to support them.

Kindbridge is currently working with casino operators across the United States, as well as insurance companies and social impact organizations, to develop interventions that remove existing barriers for those who suffer from gambling-related mental disorders.

The analysis will be used to determine personalized treatment approaches, with information published within 18 to 24 months.

Mor Weiser, CEO of Playtech, said: "A research partnership with Kindbridge and Rutgers University will be critical in developing and delivering high-quality digital wellness and mental health support for those at risk and affected by gambling-related harm." .

Daniel Umfleet, CEO of Kindbridge, added: "This study will enable data scientists, scientists and researchers to gain more insight into effective support and treatment in the digital environment than ever before."