Craigslist Las Vegas | Build a casino at home

Craigslist Las Vegas
Craigslist Las Vegas | Build a casino at home 15

The idea of a casino at home is much more popular than you might think. Immortalized by films like "House" and other series where someone has the bright idea of running a casino from their home is not so far-fetched.

The funny thing is, it's theoretically relatively easy to find everything you might need. This is especially true if you are good at making a tough trade. Visit Craigslist Las Vegas , the ideal destination for all gambling enthusiasts, and find everything you need to create your own personal casino .

Vintage slot machines on Craigslist in Las Vegas

Nothing screams casino like a vintage slot machine . Not only will you have a piece of history, but it will also look pretty neat. Most often in Las Vegas, on Craigslist, you will find a workable car that is sure to give you the shivers and is also a great conversation starter.

Slot machines

If you are looking for slot machines, you will definitely find a large number of these popular vending machines built in the 1930s and 40s.

You won't have to look far for more modern slot machines that offer multiple denominations, but the old collector's ones scream "Buy me now!" You will discover Bally, Mills and we have even seen Japanese imported products used in the Tokyo gambling hall.

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Video Poker

Video poker is a fairly recent development (mid 70s) so we weren't too surprised when there were fewer slot machines available than slot machines.

V Las Vegas on Craigslist you will find several refurbished video poker machines, that offer all the gambling sensations of playing poker in a casino. That's not all. Many of the people selling these machines would add a custom casino chair to make the deal even more enjoyable.

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Board Games at Craigslist Las Vegas

If you are looking for something more social, why not sit at a table with friends. You will be able to have exciting gaming evenings by investing in a casino table game. You can buy a blackjack, craps or poker table at a reasonable price in Craigslist Las Vegas . They sell out quickly and are not as easily available as other casino trappings, so you'll have to take advantage of that.


During our hunting we didn't come across too many dice tables. However, we came across a couple original items from Vegas casinos.

You can always put felt on the dining room table to create your own board game. Naturally, you will find plenty of dice as well as practice tables to improve your throwing skills.

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black Jack

If you're a blackjack fan, you'll probably think you've got gold on Craigslist. Offered quite a selection of tables . All you have to do is decide which type of table suits you best.

There are professional grade refurbished tables that have seen their fair share of giveaways and fortunes. You'll also find portable tables with folding legs, and then the cheapest alternative, blackjack tables that fit on any table big enough to hold it.

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Poker tables in Las Vegas are all the rage and you will find a wide range of versatile tables . We have found several tables that can be used for both blackjack and poker.

These particular options are made from solid wood, and they stack up – winning. In addition, we also found professional poker sets complete with hard cases, chips and cards . You will have to practice poker to hide the fact that you got it for stealing.

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Create the perfect casino night with Craigslist Las Vegas

So, what would an unforgettable casino night party be without vintage cards or chips for a special flair? If this isn't your bag, why not use a private croupier to spice things up.

You might want to recreate the showdown at the 007 casino with tuxedos, trendy ball gowns, and, of course, a martini (shaken but not tossed). Well, as you may have guessed, you'll be able to score all of this and more on Craigslist Las Vegas.

Visit Craigslist Las Vegas and build your casino

WITH Craigslist Las Vegas you will find everything you need to create your own nightly casino experience, that matches the glitz and glamor of a Las Vegas casino right at your fingertips.

Whether you are a collector or someone looking to impress their friends, you are sure to be amazed by the variety of casino gems on offer. After all, Las Vegas is the number one place for good times.

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PostCraigslist Las Vegas | Build a Casino at Home first appeared in US online casinos.
